What does feebleness mean?

the quality or state of lacking physical strength or vigor. the patient felt a lingering feebleness in the weeks following her heart surgery.

What is another word for feebleness? Some common synonyms of feeble are decrepit, fragile, frail, infirm, and weak. While all these words mean “not strong enough to endure strain, pressure, or strenuous effort,” feeble suggests extreme weakness inviting pity or contempt.

What’s another way to say overthinking? What is another word for overthinking?

beating a dead horseoverestimating
thinking too much

Herein What is the antonym for feebly? What is the opposite of feebly?


Is frailness a word?

The condition of being infirm or physically weak: debility, decrepitude, delicacy, delicateness, feebleness, flimsiness, fragileness, fragility, frailty, infirmity, insubstantiality, puniness, unsoundness, unsubstantiality, weakliness, weakness.

What’s the definition of expedients?

Definition of expedient

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : suitable for achieving a particular end in a given circumstance. 2 : characterized by concern with what is opportune especially : governed by self-interest. expedient.

What is frail woman? 2. 1. The definition of frail is physically weak, fragile or delicate. An example of someone frail is a sickly old woman with brittle bones. adjective.

Why does frail mean a woman? To Hamlet’s mind, woman represents frailty, meaning women are breakable, weak, and delicate in nature. He alludes to inherent weaknesses in women’s character. His mother, Gertrude epitomizes frailty or weakness. He also refers to his mother as a spiritually, morally, and physically weak woman.

What do you mean by frill?

noun. Definition of frill (Entry 2 of 2) 1a : a gathered, pleated, or bias-cut fabric edging used on clothing. b : a strip of paper curled at one end and rolled to be slipped over the bone end (as of a chop) in serving. 2 : a ruff of hair or feathers or a bony or cartilaginous projection about the neck of an animal.

Is expedient a bad word? Expedient has two connotations, once neutral and the other — more common — slightly pejorative: Something that is expedient may be suitable, but the word more likely reflects what is done out of self-interest or because it is most convenient rather than the best solution.

What does pottering around mean?

Definition of potter around/about

: to spend time in a relaxed way doing small jobs and other things that are not very important He spent his holidays pottering around the house/garden.

What is the synonym of expedient? Frequently Asked Questions About expedient

The words advisable and politic are common synonyms of expedient. While all three words mean “dictated by practical or prudent motives,” expedient usually implies what is immediately advantageous without regard for ethics or consistent principles.

What does Vanity thy name is woman mean?

From Hamlet by William Shakespeare; this proverb is taken to mean that women are weaker than men.

What is stead fast?

Definition of steadfast

1a : firmly fixed in place : immovable. b : not subject to change the steadfast doctrine of original sin— Ellen Glasgow. 2 : firm in belief, determination, or adherence : loyal her followers have remained steadfast.

Who is Hamlet talking to when he says Frailty, thy name is woman? Who is the woman in ‘Frailty, thy name is woman’ quote? When Hamlet says “woman,” he means Gertrude. He sees her as morally weak because she has betrayed her husband by marrying his brother, Claudius, just one month after her husband’s death.

What does no-frills hotel mean? It refers to a hotel that provides the bare essentials to customers in order to maintain low prices. … A hotel in which a guest pays for a room with a bed, power, security and water, but all other services, including the use of towels, hair dryers, cleaning and more cost an additional fee.

What is frills in fashion?

In sewing and dressmaking, a ruffle, frill, or furbelow is a strip of fabric, lace or ribbon tightly gathered or pleated on one edge and applied to a garment, bedding, or other textile as a form of trimming. … Ruffles and flounces remained a fashionable form of trim, off-and-on into modern times.

What is no frill strategy? A no-frills or no frills service or product is one for which the non-essential features have been removed to keep the price low. … No-frills businesses operate on the principle that by removing luxurious additions, customers may be offered lower prices.

Does expediency mean speed?

Expedience meaning

(obsolete) Speed; haste. (uncountable) The quality of being fit or suitable to effect some desired end or the purpose intended; propriety or advisability under the particular circumstances of a case.

Does expediently mean fast? Expediently is defined as something done quickly or efficiently, or an answer or solution based on what is right or just.

How do you use expediently?

They view territory expediently, as a base from which they can organise their campaigns and plot their attacks. Knowing we were near the field, they urged us to return as expediently possible, since a strong sandstorm was approaching.

What is a potter in British slang? to move around without hurrying, and in a relaxed and pleasant way: I spent the afternoon pottering around the garden doing a few odd jobs. He doesn’t drive very fast – he tends to potter along. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

Is it puttering or pottering?

When “potter” comes into English in the 17th century, it means to poke at something repeatedly. From there, it comes to mean to occupy yourself in an ineffectual or trifling way. … “Putter” appears to be a variant of “potter” that shows up at the beginning of the 19th century.

What does putzing around mean? : to spend time in an aimless or idle manner : putter, fool around —usually + around But come July or August, I invariably find myself putzing around the kitchen, making something sort of weird, like potato-Roquefort salad sandwiches, heavy on the dill.— Karen MacNeil.

What’s another word for in a timely manner?

What is another word for in a timely manner?

on timepunctually
promptlyto schedule
when expecteddependably
in good timereliably
well timedbang on time

What is the synonym for urgency? Synonyms & Near Synonyms for urgency. exigency, insistence, instancy.

What’s the meaning of ill advised? Definition of ill-advised

: resulting from or showing lack of wise and sufficient counsel or deliberation an ill-advised decision.
